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Pittsburg Golf and Country Club


Sec. 1. The name of this corporation shall be Pittsburg Golf & Country Club.


Sec. 1 The purpose for which the club is formed shall be as follows: to acquire, purchase, hold, lease, mortgage, encumber, use and occupy lands & other property, both real & personal of every sort and nature, for the purpose of promoting social intercourse among & furnishing pleasure & happiness to the members thereof, & in connection therewith to purchase or lease a suitable site or sites , to provide suitable club houses & other buildings, equipment & improvements; and to purchase, acquire, hold, buy, sell, lease, convey, mortgage & improve real and personal property of every kind and nature, and to do all other things necessary & expedient in furtherance of the foregoing.


Sec. 1. The membership of this corporation shall be those only entitled to such membership as provided in these By-laws; each member shall acquire or hold such membership only under the conditions, restrictions, limitations & provisions of the By-laws of this corporation; and such membership shall confer or grant no vested or other rights other than this that are specifically conferred by the By-Laws of this corporation. There are two categories of membership, the golfing category and the social category, consisting of the following classes of members.

1 .) Charter 2.) Regular 3.) Honorary 4.) Additional (Spouse/Common Law Partner)

The golfing category of membership, Exhibit-E participants may consist of Charter, Regular, Honorary and/or Additional members who participate in the benefits of Exhibit-E of the contract with the City of Pittsburg and as defined in article XXI of these by-laws.

The social category of membership, Non Exhibit-E participants, may consist of Charter, Regular, Honorary, and/or Additional members who do not participate in the benefits of Exhibit-E of the contract with the City of Pittsburg and as defined in article XXI of these by-laws.

Sec. 2. The Board of Directors shall have the power to nominate honorary members to be voted on by the membership at one of the semi annual meetings. Approval will be by simple majority. Each honorary member is elected for life. No entrance fee or club dues shall be required of such members, as defined by the By-Laws. Such member shall enjoy all the rights & privileges of a regular member excepting the right to vote or the right to hold office. Green fees are still required.

Sec. 3. None but regular members shall be entitled to vote or hold office. A regular member is one who pays the regular members due amount and is limited to those who have the regular member status assigned by the Board. All membership dues, for both regular and additional members are to be paid by October 1st. 1st .

Sec. 4. The dues of a regular or additional member, while incapacitated by illness or injury may temporarily be suspended in whole or part, without impairing such member's rights. The Board will review each case semi-annually.


Sec. 1. The Board of Directors shall constitute a Committee on Admissions of members to the club.

Sec. 2. The Board of Directors shall have charge of the election of all candidates for memberships to the Club as directed by the By-Laws. There shall only be one regular member assigned per membership.

Sec. 3. Every newly elected member shall pay the initiation or transfer fee as established by the Board.

Sec.4. All new memberships require the approval of the membership at one of the semi annual meetings.

Sec. 5. No new memberships can be approved by the membership until the number of Exhibit E participants is less than 150.

Sec. 6. In the case of death of the regular member the additional member inherits the regular membership.

Sec. 7. All new members will be assigned a membership number. This number is based on date joined and establishes seniority within the club. If an additional member joined prior to the adoption of these by-laws then they have the same date joined assigned as the regular, Honorary or Charter Member. If an additional member joins after these by-laws are approved then the seniority date will be the date the additional member joins and is not related to the date the Regular, Honorary or Charter member joined.


Sec. 1. In all cases, application for membership of any kind, receipt or transfer of any membership or payment of any fee or dues, shall constitute and create unconditional assent to the By-Laws of this Club, and thereby create an executed contract binding upon such member.


Sec. 1. All resignations must be in writing addressed to the Board of Directors.


Sec. 1. There shall be issued, over the signature of the President and Secretary of the Club, to each of the regular members of the Club and corporation, and to each person who shall hereafter become a duly elected and qualified member of the Club, a membership card in a form and style designated by the Board of Directors.


Sec. 1. No transfer of any kind shall be allowed, except by the Board of Directors, as allowed by these bylaws.


Sec. 1. All notices required by law or these By-Laws to be given to any member, Director or officer of the club shall be in writing.

Sec. 2. An address book of the members shall be kept by the Secretary. Members are required to notify the Club on any change of address.

Sec. 3. All notices shall be posted on a bulletin board in the club house.


Sec. 1. The dues of the club members all classes of membership, and charges regularly made for club privileges shall be recommended by the Board of Directors & voted on by the membership at one of the semi annual meetings


Sec. 1. Club Dues are paid to the Treasurer on a yearly basis. Payable each October 1st and delinquent November 1st. Any member, regardless of membership class, not paying their dues by the delinquent date of November 1 st shall be automatically suspended from membership and given thirty (30) days to appeal the suspension to the board of directors. Thirty (30) days after date of confirmed receipt of delinquent notice their membership will be terminated.

Sec 2. The appeal of suspension shall be brought to the Board of Directors for consideration of reinstatement.

Sec. 3. The Treasurer shall send the suspended member a delinquency notice in writing by registered mail with a copy to the Pro-shop if the member is an Exhibit-E member.

Sec. 4. All notices of delinquency shall be posted an the bulletin board on November 1st of each year.


Sec. 1. All members shall make themselves familiar with the By-Laws and the Rules

and Regulations of the club, and ignorance of such By-Laws and the Rules and Regulations of the Club, shall in no case be admitted as an excuse of a breach or violation of the same by a member.

Sec. 2. In case of destruction or defacement of any property belonging to the Club, at the discretion of the Board of Directors the person causing the same shall pay the cost of replacing or repairing the articles damaged.

Sec. 3. The Club shall not be held responsible for any property of members or visitors

left at the Club House or other buildings or on Club grounds.

Sec. 4. All complaints from members as to any matter connected with the Club or Delta View Golf Course shall be made in writing, over the complainants signature, to the President, The Compliance Committee Chairperson, or the Board of Directors.



Sec. 1. The Board of Directors shall have the power by a unanimous vote, to suspend for up to 60 days or expel any member for conduct which in the opinion of the Board is improper or prejudicial to the welfare, interest and character of the Club. These actions can only take place after the member has been warned, in writing, that their behavior/actions are unacceptable and if they continue they will be suspended or expelled. If a member has been expelled he/she may ask for a special meeting of the membership to appeal the action. The membership by a majority vote will decide whether the member is to be reinstated or the expulsion action is upheld. Written notification of the pending action, suspension or expulsion, must be sent to the member 30 days prior to the action taking place and the member must be provided the opportunity to address the board in the meeting where the action takes place. All actions must be done in the general session of a meeting.



Sec. 1. Semi annual meetings of the members shall be held on the third Tuesday in February and August at seven o'clock provided that if the 3rd Tuesday at any time shall fall upon a legal holiday, said semi-annual meeting shall be held on the next day at the same hour and place. Said meeting shall be held at a meeting place in the County of Contra Costa, State of California, designated by the Board of Directors. Notice of the time and place of said meeting shall be given by the Secretary by mailing of a printed or written notice of said time and place to each member at his/her last known address, at least ten(10) days prior to such meeting; and no further or other notice need be given of such meeting, unless ordered by the Board of Directors. Regular quarterly meetings shall be held on the lst Tuesday of the month, January, April, July and September unless otherwise designated by the president.

Sec. 2. Special meetings of the Club may be called and held at any time by order of the President; and the President must at any time call a special meeting of the Club upon the written request of twenty (20) or more regular members of the Club; or upon written request of three (3) or more Directors of the Club. Notice of the time and place and purpose of such special meeting shall be given in the same manner as that required for regular meetings.

Sec 3. The President , shall, at least ninety (90) days prior to the February semi annual meeting, appoint from the regular membership of the Club (excluding members of the Board of Directors) a Nominating Committee of three (3), who shall nominate a ticket consisting of one candidate for each vacancy to be filled by the Board of Directors. A list of the nominees selected by the Nominating Committee shall accompany notice of annual meetings mailed to Club members. Any vacancy occurring in said Committee shall be filled immediately by the President of the Board. Further nominations may be made at the annual February membership meeting by any member personally present.

Sec. 4. The election of Directors shall be held at the February semi annual meeting at the headquarters of the Club at such place in the County of Contra Costa, State of California, as was designated in the notice of the time and place of such election mailed to each of the members at his/her last known address. Voting shall be by official ballot (club seal) only and shall include absent, personal or proxy. All proxies must be signed and must indicate that the member casting the ballot is a regular member of the Club. The President shall appoint three (3) judges of election from the members of the Club at large to supervise said election. The judges shall oversee the preparation and distribution of the official ballots. Said judges shall count the votes and report in writing to the President, the results of said election.

Sec. 5. In the event two or more competing candidates shall have received an equal number of votes, and all of them cannot be declared elected as Directors; then a second ballot shall be taken at said annual meeting, or at an adjourned meeting thereof, as between such equal candidates, but no others; the candidate receiving the highest number of votes at such meeting shall be declared elected.

Sec. 6. No business shall be transacted at special meetings of the regular membership

except such as shall have been specified or directly referred to in the notice of such special meeting.

Sec 7. At all meetings of the Club, whether regular, special or adjourned, those regular members, personally represented, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business but a smaller number than a quorum, continue to adjourn any meeting from time to time until a quorum shall be present, and until the business of the meeting shall have been fully completed. No business of any kind, other than adjournment, can be transacted in the absence of a



Sec. 1. The Corporate powers, business, property and affairs of this corporation shall be exercised, conducted , managed and controlled, as assigned by these bylaws, by a Board of five (5) Directors, each of whom must be a regular member of the Club in good standing. Directors shall be elected each year for a term of three (3) years and shall hold office until their term has ended or their office is vacated. If a Director at any time after his/her election shall cease to have any of the qualifications herein provided for, his/her office as such Director shall become immediately vacant without action other than to spread such fact upon the minutes of the Board, and he/she shall cease to be a Director. Directors shall be elected with the staggered terms.

Sec. 2. A quorum shall consist of three (3) members of the Board of Directors, including the President/Vice President for the transaction of business.

Sec. 3. If, for any reason, there is a vacancy in the Board of Directors, the remaining Directors at any meeting of the Board, general or special, within thirty (30) days, shall elect some person with the necessary qualifications to act as a Director to fill said vacancy and to serve until the next general election where the seat will then be filled by the membership for the duration of that seats term.

Sec. 4. No Director shall receive any compensation for his/her services as a Director, it being understood that if such Director furnish any other services to the Club he/she may be compensated, with board approval and membership notification, for such services.

Sec. 5. The Directors-Elect, and those who may hold over, shall meet for organization within one month after the annual meeting of the Club and shall at such meeting organize and elect officers of the Club.

Sec. 6. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at such times and places as may be determined and ordered by the Board. Any Director who is absent and not excused by the Board of Directors from three (3), regular meetings per annum shall ipso facto forfeit his/her Directorship and a new Director shall be elected as provided in Section Three (3) of this article.

Sec. 7. If a Board of Director member resigns his/her position, he/she may not run for re-election for one (1) year, or the time that would have completed his/her term, whichever is longest.

Sec. 8. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called at any time by the order of the President, and the President must, at anytime , call a special meeting of the Board of Directors upon the written request of at least three (3) of said Directors or twenty (20) or more regular members of the club with the date posted on the bulletin board.

Sec.9. A quorum shall be necessary to form a board to the transaction of business, provided, however, that a smaller number of Directors may continue and adjourn any meeting from time to time until a quorum shall be present, but no other business may be transacted in the absence of a quorum.

Sec. 10. All meetings are open to the membership, with the exception of the Executive session.

Sec. 11.Any business which might be done at a regular meeting of the Board of

Directors may be done at a special or at an adjourned meeting.

Sec. 12. The Board of Directors shall have the power:

1st. To conduct, manage and control the day to day affairs and business of the Club

and to make such rules and regulations therefore not inconsistent with law, Contract with the City Of Pittsburg and these By-Laws.

2nd. To borrow money and incur indebtedness for the purposes of the Club. This action requires majority approval of the membership at one of the semi-annual meetings.

3rd. To buy, sell, acquire, receive by gift, and otherwise, lands, leases thereof, to contract for the purchase of lands, and the sale thereof, all for and on behalf of the Club. This action requires majority approval of the membership at one of the semi-annual meetings.

4th. To create and appoint such special committees as it shall see fit, define the duties and authority of such committees, and remove any member of a committee, whether standing or special, from his/her position as a committee person.

5th. To suspend, or expel any member as provided in these By-Laws.

6th. To provide for an audit of the books annually.

7th. To approve and make payments of invoices. The board must bring to the membership in the semi-

annual meeting in August a line-item budget for the following year for membership approval.

8th. To ensure the Contract with the City of Pittsburg is not violated in any way or interpreted in any manner inconsistent with the intent of the contract. the board has the authority to consider individual one time requests that would be contract exceptions. All contract exceptions considered by the board requires a meeting of the board. All meetings of the board where a contract exception is to be considered requires a ten (10) day notice be posted on the bulletin board in the club room, all five members of the board must be present and requires a unanimous vote of the Board for the exception to be approved.


Sec.l. The officers of the Club shall consist of a President and a Vice-President who shall be elected by and from the Directors, and a Secretary/Treasurer, as the Board of Directors shall from time to time determine, who shall be elected by the directors from either the members of the Club or the Directors. All officers shall serve until the members of the Board of Directors elected at the next succeeding annual election shall enter upon their terms of office.

Sec. 2. The powers and duties of the President shall be:

1st. To preside at all meetings of the Club and of the Board of Directors.

2nd. To see that the By-Laws, the Contract with the City of Pittsburg and such rules and regulations as adopted by the Board of Directors are properly enforced, and report to the Board of Directors any infractions of the same.

3rd. To exercise a general supervision over the business and affairs of the Club, and at the annual meeting to make a report of the general concerns of the Club during the previous year and oversee and/or prepare a budget for the ensuing year.

4th. To affix the signature of the Club to all the deeds of conveyance, bills of sales and promissory notes, contracts and obligations, checks, and other papers and instruments in writing that may require the same and to supervise and control, subject to the direction of the Board of Directors, all the officers, agents and employees of the Club.

5th. He/She be ex-officio a member of all the standing committees, which committees, shall be nominated by him/her at the commencement of his/her term of office, and shall be presented to the Board of Directors for confirmation.

6th. He/She shall have the casting vote in case of a tie at all meetings of the Club or the Board of Directors.

7th. He/She shall have generally to do and perform all such duties as pertain to his/her office, and as may be required by the Board of Directors.

Sec.3. In case of the absence of the President, the Vice President shall take his/her place and perform his/her duties. If both the President and Vice President shall be absent at any meeting of the board of Directors, or of the Club, a President protem shall be chosen to preside and act at such meetings.

Sec. 4. The powers and duties of the secretary shall be: To oversee and /or perform the following:

lst. To keep a full and complete record of the proceedings of the Board of Directors and of the meetings of the Club.

2nd. To make service of all notices that may be necessary or proper, without command or direction from anyone.

3rd. To keep a complete roll of all members of the Club.

4th. To maintain the official correspondence of the Club.

5th. Generally to do and perform all such duties as pertain to his/her office and as may be required by the Board.

Sec. 5. The powers and duties of the Treasurer shall be to oversee and/or perform the following:

lst. To countersign all checks, drafts, promissory notes and other instruments in writing requiring his/her signature.

2nd. To receive and safely keep all monies of the Club and deposit same in the name of the club in such bank or banks as the Directors may designate and disburse same as the business of the Club requires.

3rd. To keep a complete record of the Accounts of every member of the Club and to collect all monies due to the Club.

4th. To keep full and accurate accounts of the receipts and disbursements of the Club, and render to the President and Board of Directors, whenever the President of said Board may require it, a statement of his/her accounts and of the financial conditions of the Club.

5th. To submit at each annual meeting of the Club, a complete statement of his/her accounts for the year.

6th. To be an ex-officio member of every committee charged with the powers of receiving or paying monies in connection with the affairs of the Club, or of incurring financial obligations in connection therewith and shall receive and preserve monthly reports for all such committees. Will be the Chairperson of the finance and auditing committee.

7th. Generally to do and perform all such duties as pertain to his/her office and as may be required by the Board of Directors.

Sec. 6. Any Director of the Club may be removed from office, for good cause shown by an affirmative vote of not less than three-fourths (3/4) of the regular members present at a special meeting called for that purpose. This action requires 30 days written notice to the membership.


Sec. 1. The President of the Club shall appoint annually, with the majority approval of the Board, a chairman for each of the following committees: House, Tournament, Divot, Finance & Auditing and such other committees as the Board may deem necessary. The President shall be ex-officio member of all committees.

Sec. 2. The House Committee shall consist of a minimum of three (3) regular members and shall have charge of the club house, locker room and all other buildings not hereinafter entrusted to the care of any other committee. It shall recommend all purchases necessary for the operation of the club house and recommend the prices to be paid for articles furnished therein or therefrom: shall receive and consider all complaints made to it; shall report in writing promptly to the Secretary of the Club all infractions of the By-Laws or house rules reported to it or otherwise coming to the knowledge of its member.

Sec. 3. The Tournament committee shall consist of three(3) regular members. This committee shall have charge of all tournaments of the Club and shall be charged with the duty of maintaining a list of handicaps for the various members of the Club. The Committee Must schedule the 8 tournaments allowed for in the contract with the City. These tournaments must be scheduled and the membership notified by January 1st for the year.

Sec. 4. The Divot Committee shall consist of a minimum of three(3) regular members. This committee shall have charge of the Divot news letter to be sent to the members monthly. The Divot shall contain items of interest, a current list of the tournaments scheduled and the unapproved minutes of the last board meeting.

Sec.5. The Finance and Auditing Committee shall consist of four (4) members, including the Treasurer who shall be the chairperson, who shall examine the income and expense of the Club. At each annual meeting of the Club for the ensuing year, it shall also make such recommendations as it may deem necessary for the increase of the revenue of the Club, for the collections of its outstanding indebtedness and if necessary for the decrease of expense . It shall be the duty of this committee to examine the books of the Club and arrange for an annual audit of said Club accounts at such times as the Board of Directors may deem necessary. The recommendations of the finance and auditing Committee are subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.

Sec. 6. Contract Compliance Committee comprised of one (1) Board member and Two (2) regular members. The purpose of the committee is to review and resolve complaints from the membership and the City of Pittsburg in the matter of compliance of the Contract with the City of Pittsburg. The Board member will be appointed by a majority vote of the board in their annual organizational meeting as required by Article XV Sec. 5 of these bylaws, The regular members of this committee will be elected by a majority vote of the membership in the February semi-annual meeting. The terms of office for the regular members will be for three (3) years. The nomination and election procedures for these regular committee members shall be the same as outlined in these bylaws for Board members.

Sec. 7. All appointments to the foregoing standing committees, with the exception of the Compliance

Committee, shall be made by the President and confirmed by the Board of Directors, before they

shall assume their duties; a list of the Officers, Directors and Standing Committees shall be posted

on the bulletin board at the headquarters at the Club.

Sec. 8 .The members of said committees shall hold office until their successors have

been named and confirmed by the President and the Board of Directors.

Sec.9. All contracts made by any committee involving the expenditure of dollars shall be first submitted to the Board of Directors for its approval. but This restriction shall not be deemed to apply to the regular monthly supplies.


Sec. 1. Any regular member introducing visitors and guests into the Club shall be held responsible for their conduct while in the clubhouse and grounds and for any indebtedness that may occur on their account. At its option, the Board of Directors may provide for suitable fees to be paid by a visitor or guest.


Sec. 1. Only Exhibit-E members as defined in article XXI of these bylaws have the privilege of having personal carts on the course. Rates will be by contract to the city as outlined in Exhibit-E. If a member is not on the current year Exhibit-E list they cannot have a cart stored on the premises. In order for a member to be considered as a Partner in a cart they must be on the current year Exhibit-E list.

Sec. 2. Golf cart storage space rules and regulations will be recommended to the Board of Directors by the

golf cart committee and each member who has a cart must sign a form.

Sec. 3. A cart storage procedure and list will be posted. The Board of Directors will

maintain an updated list and any changes are to be posted.

Sec. 4. Cart inspections must be completed by April 1st. Any cart without a current

sticker will be asked to leave the course.

Sec. 5. Rules and regulations governing the 100 cart privilege provided for in the Contract with the City of Pittsburg..

1. Owner agrees to operate the cart in a safe manner & abide by all rules & regulations that are posted by Pittsburg Delta View Golf Course.

2. All carts shall have a safety inspection performed & certified by an authorized mechanic and the owner shall pay cart storage fees. Delinquency in inspection certification or storage fees are grounds for removal of cart from the storage area and revocation of cart storage privileges. All carts must display a current license permit.

3. Only the Board of Directors assigns or transfers a cart storage space. Individual members cannot transfer, sublet, nor sell an assigned space. The space must be maintained in neat order.

4. Cart storage space is assigned by seniority. Seniority is established by the date the member was placed on the cart space waiting list. The list is posted on the Club membership bulletin board and maintained by the Board of Directors through their designate. A new cart owner selected from the list has two options. (1) An eligible member when asked may elect to pass on the opportunity to place a cart on the course. If the member chooses to pass then the member retains their same priority on the list. If the member accepts the boards offer he/she has thirty (30) days to occupy the storage space. If after thirty ( 30 ) days the member has not placed their cart in the space assigned the Board of Directors will reassign the space and the eligible member will lose the priority position on the cart space waiting list. A member cannot assign list priority to another member.

5. Cart ownership may include a member partner. Both the cart owner and partner must be on the Exhibit-E list for the current year. The seniority list governs the ability of a partner to succeed the original member cart owner. The current list identifies partners who have a proprietary interest in the storage space and partners who have temporary status. Classification is noted on the cart waiting list.

6. Failure to comply with each and all the terms and conditions of these by-laws and the rules and regulations

agreement shall be the basis for revocation of the cart privilege. The board of directors shall have the authority to

effect the removal of the cart from the storage space.


Sec 1. All modifications of these by-laws requires thirty (30) days written notice to all regular members. The modifications and the meeting date and place when the action will take place are to be mailed to the members last known address..

Sec. 2. The By-Laws and any section thereof, may be amended or repealed or new By-laws may be adopted, by any one of the following methods:

a) By a majority vote of the regular members present at any semi-annual meeting of the Club.

b) By a majority vote of the regular members present at any special meeting at which a quorum is present, notice of which meeting has been given as provided in these By-Laws and notice of which proposed amendment or repeal has been given at the same time as the notice of the calling of such special meeting, by setting forth the section or sections as proposed to be amended.

Article XXI Contract with the City of Pittsburg

Sec. 1. For the purpose of managing and administrating the contract with the City of Pittsburg there will be two (2) groups of members. The first group will be referred to as Exhibit-E members, the golfing category as defined in article III, sec. I of these bylaws, and the second Group, the social category as defined in article III, sec I of these bylaws, will be referred to as Social members. The number of members that Can be on the Exhibit-E list is limited to no more than 188 at any one time. There is no specified limit for Social members. Both of these groups may include all the membership types outlined in Article III Sec. 1. Of these bylaws.

An Exhibit-E member is one who is eligible to take advantage of the privileges as outlined in Exhibit-E of the Contract with the City of Pittsburg. A Social member is a member that has all other member privileges except those privileges outlined in Exhibit-E of the contract with the City of Pittsburg.

In order for a member to remain on the Exhibit-E list they must meet the following criteria.

  1. They must be a member that has paid their annual club dues.
  2. They must have played at least twenty ( 20 ) rounds of golf at Delta View for the year ( Jan. 1 through Dec. 31 ) or paid the City for at least six (6) months of green fees. Only exceptions to this will be if the member has been granted a medical leave by the action of the Board of Directors.

Sec. 2. Once a year by September 10th the president of the club must submit to the City a list of members who are to be the Exhibit-E members for that year. For the purpose of this list the year is defined as September 15th through the following September 14th. This list when modified must be submitted to the City within ten (10) days of any changes throughout the year.

  1. The procedure to be followed in all subsequent years is. All members on the prior years Exhibit-E list that have maintained their eligibility requirements listed above will automatically be placed on the new years list. If the new years list has less than 188 but more than 150 then all Pittsburg resident social members will be asked if they want on the list. If the number on the Exhibit-E list is less than 151 then all members regardless of residency will be asked if they want on the list If the result is greater than 188 then the social members to be included in the 188 number will be determined by seniority. (based on date joined ).

2. The procedure steps, dates and deadlines are as follows

1. Each year on July 1st send letter to all social members asking if they want to become an Exhibit-E member if space is or becomes available.

  1. Each year on July 1st send a letter to all Exhibit-E members asking if they want to stay an Exhibit-E member if they meet the eligibility requirements.

3. On August 20th of each year establish two lists. The first list will be prior year Exhibit-E members who opted to continue and the second list will be social members, in date joined sequence, who opted to become Exhibit-E members if space is or becomes available. The list of social members who opted to become Exhibit-E members is good for only one year. This list gets replaced with a new one each year.

  1. Fill all available slots up to 188 on the Exhibit-E roster by September 1st .

5. Submit to City the updated Exhibit-E list no later than September 10tth.

6. Send letters to all members notifying them of their status for the year.

7. By December 16th of each year review rounds played and membership status of all members on the Exhibit-E list. Post on the bulletin board the names of Exhibit-E members who no longer qualify along with the reason why. Give them 10 days to challenge the determination.

8. By January 10th Move the appropriate number of members from the list of social members opting to become Exhibit-E members onto the Exhibit-E membership roster and notify them of their Exhibit-E status.

9. Submit to the City by January 15th of each year the updated list of those eligible to take advantage of Exhibit-E in the contract.

  1. On a monthly basis draw the appropriate number from the social member list opting to become an Exhibit-E member to fill any vacancies on the Exhibit-E eligible list and submit to the City.

Sec. 1. The preferred tee times by contract with the City of Pittsburg are reserved, up to forty eight ( 48 ) hours prior to those tee times, for Exhibit-E members. Preferred tee times by contract are 7:30 to 8:30am Monday through Friday, except Holidays, and 7:00 to 9:30am on Saturday , Sunday and Holidays.

Sec. 2. Exhibit-E members can have a standing tee time. All standing tee times must be canceled seventy two ( 72 ) hours prior to the tee time if not going to be used. Frequent violations, three (3) within a three month period, to cancel will result in the loss of the standing tee time. This loss of a standing tee time will be by Board action and will be for a period of six (6) months.

Sec. 3. The group known as the RABBIT will have allocated three (3) standing tee times ( 8:13, 8:21, and 8:29 ) Monday through Friday and five (5) standing tee times ( 7:33, 7:41, 7: 48, 7:56, and 8:04 ) on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. Exhibit-E members will have first priority for the Rabbit tee times and slots. Social members will have second priority for Rabbit tee times. Guests will have the least priority for Rabbit tee times. All persons wishing to play in the Rabbit must be at the course and sign up 20 minutes prior to the first scheduled Rabbit tee time. The Rabbit group must take responsibility to cancel any unused tee times seventy two (72) hours prior to the tee times not going to be used.

Sec. 4. By contract with the City, any tournament other than a Pittsburg Golf & Country Club tournament that conflicts with these preferred times requires that Exhibit-E members receive 1st priority for all available tee times not used by tournament players. Refer to the contract for the exact language and procedures to be followed.


1. Reading of Minutes

2. Treasurers Report

3. Approval of Bills Payable

4. Standing Committee Report

5. Special Committee Report

6. Unfinished Business

7. New Business

8. Announcements

9. Adjournment


For the purpose of conducting an orderly meeting, the Chair shall abide, by the rules and regulations as outlined in Roberts's Rules of Order.

President -

Vice President -

House Chairman -

Tournament Chairman -

Secretary/Treasurer -

By-Laws revised 2/15/00

By-Laws last revised 2/20/01